GRILL MIR276 1798

Catalogue index: MIR000035

  • Delivery time: Completion to 7 days
  • Delivery: from PLN8.99 (Paczkomaty)
  • EAN code:
    • 5902659141798
  • Package weight [kg]:
    • 2.8
PLN138.73 gross / SZT. PLN138.73  gross for 1 SZT PLN112.79 net + 23% VAT / SZT.


Wymiary: 56 x 42 x 67 cm, Średnica rusztu: 37 cm


EAN code:
  • 5902659141798
Package depth [cm]:
  • 12
Package height [cm]:
  • 43
Package weight [kg]:
  • 2.8
Package width [cm]:
  • 44

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Cost of delivery

Paczkomaty : from PLN8.99
Odbiór osobisty : from PLN0.00